Week 32 100wc: Ben Cl


Bobo the pug (dog) decided there was a giant mission on our hands ,at  the city of Montecarlo’s airbase.

Lucy the golden retriever got her bone phone, and jumped straight into her Audi speedster and Bobo jumped into his Ferrari Dino they both headed for the motorway.When they got there

They went to a hotel called The dump.

Sui the sausage dog handed them a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs suddenly the pug and the golden retriever found the act of true love.  Just then they heard people talking some of the words sounded like a foreign language…

One thought on “Week 32 100wc: Ben Cl

  1. mrstunni

    Well done Bren. You have an interesting idea here and you have clearly thought about your characters. Next time, try popping the prompt in the middle of your writing, rather than at the end.

    Great writing Ben – keep it up!

    Mrs Tunnicliffe
    Riders Junior School
    Portsmouth, UK

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